We’re proud to give people energy freedom by bringing our American made private Dream Line Solar® to families and communities nationwide.


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You may be eligible for a new solar program for $0 down.

Why Solar Energy?

These are just a few of the benefits of going solar.


Our management team has over a decade of combined experience in the solar energy industry.

Energy Generation

Our team has overseen the sales of more than 20,000,000 watts of solar energy.


Our team has facilitated more than 2,000 solar system installs across the country.


Solar power is the power obtained by harnessing the energy of the sun’s rays. We use solar energy in our every day lives for a variety of activities – from drying clothes on a clothesline to creating salt from seawater, solar energy has been used for centuries by humans. Solar energy is captured by your home solar panel system and then converted into electricity by using either photovoltaic or concentrated solar power. Using mirrors or lenses (in the case of concentrated solar power), large beams of light are focused into a small beam. Using the photoelectric effect, photovoltaic solar power converts solar energy into electric energy. This electric energy is then used by you in your household every day.


A home solar panel system consists of several solar panels, a battery, a charge regulator, wiring and support materials. Sunlight is absorbed by the panels and is then converted to electricity by the installed system. The battery stores electricity so it can be used later, like on a cloudy day or during the evening. By relying on battery backups, solar energy can provide electricity 24/7 to your home.


Solar panel prices have been dropping in recent years and the solar power industry has been growing exponentially, meaning now is the perfect time to purchase a home solar panel system. And with the 30% Federal Solar Tax Credit, there’s no excuse not to at least research solar power for your home. Did you know that on average, homeowners can save about $25,000 over 25 years when they switch to solar power – talk about saving for the future! This clean and pollution-free process can provide electricity to your home less than what your electric company charges. And solar energy potential dwarfs the potential from every other energy resource on the planet, meaning that solar power is only going to expand and grow as demand rises.


From start to finish, our team of experienced, professional staff members will be there to guide you every step of the way. From consultation to installation, your entire solar experience will be customized and personalized to meet your specific needs. With 24/7 monitoring, we have your back. That’s our guarantee, you can trust us on this.

over 25 years when they switch to solar power – talk about saving for the future! This clean and pollution-free process can provide electricity to your home less than what your electric company charges. And solar energy potential dwarfs the potential from every other energy resource on the planet, meaning that solar power is only going to expand and grow as demand rises.


Solar panel prices have been dropping in recent years and the solar power industry has been growing exponentially, meaning now is the perfect time to purchase a home solar panel system. And with the 30% Federal Solar Tax Credit, there’s no excuse not to at least research solar power for your home. Did you know that on average, homeowners can save about $25,000 

“People love solar; there’s very little not to like about it. No noise, no emissions, out of sight, produces electricity, it’s beautiful, and it makes financial sense. I think as more people find out about it and more people become comfortable shopping for solar, and they don’t feel like they’re being sold but they have control, I think the sky’s the limit.”

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